About the Karuk Language:
Araráhih, or the Karuk language, is spoken exclusively by the Karuk People of Northern California. The Karuk language, which was once considered part of the Hokan language family, is a language isolate with no other local tribes speaking a similar dialect. With roughly twenty-five speakers, language activists have created a plethora of online and in-person material to bolster and reinforce our speaker base.
About the Course:
This course is designed to help bridge the gap between beginner and intermediate levels of speaking. In this course, you will take the building blocks of beginner levels with some plain vocabulary and then learn how to put those words together to craft basic sentences. It’s specifically designed to give you the most bang for your buck - once you know the basic structure, you can plug and play with words to craft new sentences as your vocabulary expands.
At the end of this course, there’s a small, one-lesson addition, dedicated to training your dog in Karuk. This course, while more laid back, is meant to give you some good, simple words and phrases that you and your canine companion can learn together and implement into your daily life. It’s not comprehensive, but it’s a solid start, and you should feel free to add and subtract to your training vocabulary as you see fit.
This course was created and designed by Tanner Barney as part of the 2024 Fellowship program.
The images below are a map of Karuk Aboriginal Territory, from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Map-of-Karuk-Aboriginal-Territory-California-and-Oregon-US-with-overlapping-National_fig1_308925442 , and an image of the Klamath river (Ishkeesh), looking upriver, taken by Tanner Barney.