43% of the
world’s languages
are endangered.
But there is still hope for the future.

Since 2016, our organization has been growing and evolving to match the fast pace of this critical work. Indigenous communities need our help now, their health, cultures and languages cannot afford to wait. As an independant 501c3 non-profit we are proud of the progress we have made and the impact we have been fortunate enough to have on endangered language reclaimation.
As we continue to evolve our core mission has changed with us. We still very much believe in the impact our resources have had on the many communities we have been fortunate enough to work with. But we want to do more. We want to empower communities around the world to teach, learn, and sustain their endangered languages. We want to act as a platform for all communities and individuals who have entrusted us to help them.
We envision a world where all communities have the resources and opportunities to reclaim, strengthen, and revitalize their endangered languages. In the coming months, years and decades we are determined to surpass our goals, empower more communities, and shine more light on the importance of endangered language reclamation. We hope you will join us in our fight.

Of the nearly 7,000 languages in the world…
Only 5% of all the world’s languages are spoken by about 95% of the world’s population
Which means the majority of the world’s linguistic diversity is spoken by just 5% of the population
About 2,500 are considered endangered (UNESCO Language Atlas)
Other estimates say nearly 50% of all languages are at risk of dying
Researchers estimate 1,500 will no longer exist by 2100
Some researches even estimate as many as 3,000 will disappear
Only 100 or so have any access to language learning technology and resources
The majority of the world’s languages have not been recorded or written
When a language is revitalized...
Children thrive in school
There are lowered suicide, depression and alcoholism rates
Health outcomes are improved
Language resources developed for language revitalization supports all languages

If you are non-Indigenous:
Educate yourself and others
Read, listen to, watch and share materials created by Indigenous folks
Ask questions -- LISTEN
Spread the word, through conversation in person and online
Donate/support organizations and individuals that are actively assisting Indigenous communities to revitalize their languages
​Get involved locally and globally
If you are Indigenous:
Speak with your Elders, and/or leaders of your community
Ask questions, listen and contribute your voice to the conversation
Join/create online or in-person language communities
Discover what resources are available to you
Ask for help/support
Share your perspective

A special thanks to our supporters: